Saturday, October 4, 2014

We Are Rowing To Melbourne

Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Giving!

Our monthly Heart for the Nations offering is a sacrificial offering we bring collectively over and above our tithes and offerings at Every Nation Christchurch. The purpose is to expand the mission, vision, and reach of Every Nation Christchurch and maximize the opportunities God has put before us, ultimately to make Jesus known.

Brent Archer, a great friend of mine for years, approached me a few weeks back and said, “Let’s row to Melbourne and raise finances for our missions to Melbourne fund”. Look, I’m all for reinventing myself and accepting challenges but lets be honest, I’m no Mahe Drysdale (New Zealand rowing Gold Medalist). My initial response was that he was crazy and ridiculous. I couldn’t even row in the bathtub.

Light bulb moment; Sacrifice over convenience, purpose over process, two birds with one stone. Yes, we are in fact rowing to Melbourne. The challenge has been accepted, however, we will be ‘virtually’ crossing the Tasman Sea using rowing machines. Wisdom Prevails!

Distance from the West Coast of New Zealand to Melbourne, Australia = 2,279km.  Our combined rowing totals will get us to Melbourne.
Follow our progress.

How can you be apart of this exciting adventure and support Every Nation Melbourne through this fundraiser?

1.  Become one of our financial sponsors.  
     Account details:  Every Nation Christchurch, 06-0831-0126421-06, Swift Code
     ANZBNZ22797, Reference – Rowing to Melbourne
    or use the DONATE button to the right of the screen.

2.  Pray for Every Nation Melbourne Church

3.  Take up the challenge yourself.  Find a partner and row, run or walk to Melbourne. 
     Record your distance daily.  Enjoy and have fun.  Email me if you are taken up the 

Vision gives pain purpose.

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